Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Protestors: A Walking Contradiction

The latest media attempt to provide normalcy for the radical, anti-capitalist viewpoints currently squawking at a city near you, emphasizes a substantial link between the “Tea Party” and “Occupy Wall Street” protestors. This is an obvious attempt to lend credibility and a grassroots feel to a movement made up largely of youth, union members, or pay-for-protest anarchists. When you listen to the arguments from Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street protestors there is a sliver of agreement on the issue of corporate bailouts, but the similarities end there.

The Occupy movement, cut to its core, is mostly about redistribution of wealth and limited freedom for those people in society deemed to have earned their money unfairly. Much of their premise lays rooted in emotional lies propagated by this administration, its liberal allies in Congress, and complicit journalists more interested in shaping society than reporting on it.

A cursory examination of these protesters’ viewpoints finds them not for people’s individual freedoms; rather, most have a vested interested in keeping alive the entitlement mentality currently propelling our nation towards insolvency. They are not against government intervention. They are against government intervention in favor of corporations. They are not bothered that 47 percent of Americans pay no federal tax. They are bothered the top ten percent, paying seventy percent, doesn’t pay enough. They are not against public sector unions getting rich off of the politicians they elect and then negotiate with. They are bothered by those private sector employees who want to negotiate directly with their employers rather than be forced into union shops. They have no issues with providing subsidies for alternative power sources that can never realistically take the place of coal, natural gas, and oil. They’d rather take issue with American companies’ attempts to extract these precious resources from underneath our own soil, thereby creating jobs and lowering fuel costs.

This movement is a walking contradiction. Many of them make absolutely no sense when you probe into their motivation for creating lawlessness, getting arrested, and generally making a nuisance of themselves. Lately, I’ve observed more and more of these protestors talking about people before profit. What schools were these people educated in? Profit is the very foundation of capitalism: the very foundation of our past success. Without profit we have nothing but rabid poverty and strife. And not the kind of poverty defined as households living with big screen televisions, smart phones, and two cars while paying for their food with stamps. We’re talking real poverty. The Cuba, North Korea, and Haitian kind of poor where there is massive unemployment and scant food supplies to sustain an existence.

When you strip away the fat most of these protestors are ill-informed outside of the class warfare rhetoric pitting rich against poor, blacks against whites, and productive citizens against unproductive ones. Social inequity has been around since man’s beginning. It will never be eradicated. The most we can hope for is to raise as many people out of it as possible. Our best means of doing so is getting government out of social engineering, teaching our kids the benefits of capitalism, reverting back to the original principles contained in our Constitution, and fostering a positive business environment by taxing as little as is necessary to perform constitutionally reserved congressional powers. Attacking rich people isn’t going to get it done.

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